Chloramines: Understanding “Pool Smell & why you itch?"
Pool smell is due, not to chlorine, but to chloramines, chemical compounds that build up in pool water when it is improperly treated,...

Why is Chlorine So Important for Canine Swimming Pools?
Have you ever thought about whether the pool that your dog swims in is pure water or plagued with impurities? Water Purity in Canine...
What is Water Intoxication?
Some information on water intoxication. https://www.natural-dog-health-remedies.com/water-intoxication.html https://healthypets.mercola.c...

Difference between recreational swimming and canine hydrotherapy treatment
We get a lot of people asking us what the difference between recreational swimming & canine hydrotherapy is. Hydrotherapy is a subset of...

Hydrotherapy Explained
Hydrotherapy is the use of water to provide therapeutic effects. The use of heated water (in a hydrotherapy pool) to help with...

Introducing your dogs to water for the first time
More often than none, we meet many dog owners that tell us their dogs do not like to swim and they are afraid of going into the water or...